Some people assume that using their bank is the best way of going about it. This isn’t necessarily the case, and International Payments Provider, Foreign Currency Direct, specialises in currency transfers for clients moving abroad.
We offer competitive rates of exchange when compared to your bank and understand the nuances of the foreign currency market. Having helped thousands of clients to move abroad, or set up a new life in Canada, we’re well placed to organise the transfer of your exchanged funds to your Canadian Bank account.
When you sign up for your free currency account with Foreign Currency Direct, you’ll be introduced to your personal account manager who will be your point of contact throughout all of your dealings with the company. They’ll take the time to get to know you and your requirements and use their expert market knowledge to keep you updated about exchange rate fluctuations so you can get the most for your money.
Depending on what stage you are at with your move to Canada, Foreign Currency Direct has a number of different options available for your transfer. For example, a forward contract allows you to secure a rate of exchange for up to 12 months in advance. This eliminates the risk of a swing in the markets which could impact your currency return significantly.
To request a quote from Foreign Currency Direct and see how we can assist you with your Money Exchange transfer, use the form on this page and our team will get in touch for an initial chat.