
Yes, Canadians drive on the Right (wrong) side of the road – and so is the steering wheel. Don’t worry, most cars are automatic. In general you will be able to swap your UK Driving Licence over to a Provincial Licence without taking a test – your UK licence will be valid for the first 90 days in Canada. Speed signs are in KMs.  Fewer roundabouts than the UK.

Car Insurance

It is strictly illegal to drive without car insurance in Canada. If you own a car, you must get insurance coverage. There are different types of car insurance plans available. Some insurance plans cover only the costs of damages and injury to others if you are at fault in an accident. Other plans also cover injuries to yourself and damage to your car. The cost of car insurance depends on the insurance plan you choose and

  • your age;
  • driving experience;
  • driving record; and
  • where you live.